This newsletter has a lot of important information on our events and trails. If you'd like this sent right to your email please visit www. and sign up.
We are looking for a few more volunteers for our trail maintenance. Please let us know if you are interested in joining our crew of hard-working, sled-riding members that make the trails as great as they are every year.
SLED RAFFLE - Almost sold out!
We will be doing the draw early and holding a FREE BBQ for the public at 4G Motorsports.
DATE: February 8th
LOCATION: 4G Motorsports. 355 Mackenzie Blvd.
BBQ TIME: 12 noon-3pm
DRAW TIME: 2:30pm
McMurray Sno-Drifters In partnership with 4G Motorsports
are pleased to announce they are holding a sled raffle this season. The new business 4G Motorsports has generously partnered with the club to offer this beautiful machine for the raffle.
Tickets are $20 each and only 1000 tickets will be sold. Talk about great odds!
Skidoo Backcountry 2019
850 E-TEC-Rev-G4
146” -Black
Valued at $17,550
4G Motorsports has built a massive new shop in Gregoire. Go down and say hi to the wonderful staff, check out the raffle sled and pick up your Trail Membership all at the same time.
All public meeting will be held at Shell Place at the Redpoll Centre on the second floor. Please watch our facebook Page for meeting announcements.
Our last meeting on Jan 8th was fantastic. 19 people took the time out of their busy schedules to sit down and talk about the club and its future goals and needs. Thanks to all who attended. Next meetings are:
February 5th, 2020 -7:30pm-9pm
February 25th, 2020 -7:30pm-9pm (our final meeting for Rally prep)
April 8th, 2020 (AGM) -7:30pm-9pm
Safe Ride: January 18th, 2020
We are doing something new this year and are SUPER EXCITED!
The Drifters and SAR (Search & Rescue have volunteered to help with the Centre of Hope's FIRE & ICE event. We will have two groups/places to either volunteer or attend.
Please check out the information on our website
You can choose to do both parts or only the one you prefer. If you could mark yourself as attending on our Facebook page it would be a huge help to us. Just click on the link
Group A: will consist of sleds/drivers that will meet up with the people from the Centre of Hope at the day use area in Anzac at 8am. We will then transport them and their gear 5km across the ice on Gregoire lake to the island. Once we have completed that we will then ride to join Group B at the Drifter Garage off of Hwy 69. Then both groups will ride the Anzac Trail to the ZEEBAR in Anzac for wing platters and beverages as well as a short presentation on ice safety. The Sno-Drifters will be covering the cost of the platters and beverages. No alcohol or specific meals. Attendees must be 18 yrs of age with valid ID to go to the ZEEBAR.
Group B: will meet at the Drifter garage off of Hwy 69. All riders must be ready to ride by 11am sharp. So please make sure you leave enough time to park/unload, gear up and fill out the waiver.
For all information and maps of the two areas please visit:
WinterPLAY: February 29th, 2020 ONLY ONE DAY
The McMurray Sno-Drifters attend WinterPLAY each year in support of this great winter family event as well as build the dog sled track each year. We will have our area famous Anzac Smokies and a beverage available by a minimum donation of $5.
You can experience what happens at our trail pit stops as you roast your dog wrapped in bacon over a roaring fire and chat with members of the Sno-Drifters. We will have a few cool sleds there for you and your family to check out and snap some pics of the kids on them.
We are easily the funnest crew on the ice, even the event planners kid wants to hang with us. Although it could be the hot chocolate and bacon...
We will also have our new swag available for purchase. CASH ONLY
Hoodies $50
Long sleeve tees $40
Beanies/Toques $20
Scarves $10
Annual Rally: March 7th, 2020
This years rally start and post celebration will be held at the Anzac Rec Centre again this year. Last years event received a ton of positive feedback so we are pleased to do it there again. More details to follow.
Canada Day Parade: July 1st, 2020
Every year the Sno-Drifters gather off road machines and volunteers to help marshal the RMWB's Canada day Parade. Our job is to ensure the safety of the attendees and the smooth flow of the parade itself. It is always a fun time and we encourage our volunteers to decorate their machines in the Canada Day spirit.
The cost of memberships stays the same as last year. If you own a business and are interested in helping the club selling passes please email: Terri at
Regular Season- January 1st-season end: $90
Day Pass: $25 (available upon request at (780) 792-7603.
Available at:
SERA Club (Suncor)
Club 63 (Syncrude)
Pioneer Rentals
Anzac ESSO
4G Motorsports