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Terri Windover

Sno-Drifters Newsletter

You will find important information for the upcoming season in this newsletter. Please feel free to share with your friends and family and encourage them to sign up as well! For more up to date information as well as trail condition updates please follow our Facebook page McMurray Sno-Drifters (use this exact spelling when searching it).


This year we have been very successful with getting the trails open prior to the Christmas break. This was only accomplished through the hard work of the volunteers. The trail coordinators didn't give up and had the high number of blown down trees and other debris removed from the trails allowing the areas to be packed down. Even with the lack of Jack Frost we were successful. Hats off to those guys.

Stoney Mountain: OPEN. Please be cautious in this area as we are working very close with industry and sharing right of ways with them. Over the next couple of seasons you will see big changes in the Stoney area as we work with them and relocate our trails out of their work area.

Connector Trail: OPEN. This trail is looking really good. There is a little rough section along the pipeline near 881 as there isn't much snow in that area.

Anzac Trail: OPEN. It's groomed and in excellent condition. Firewood is stocked and ready to go.

These three trails make up our southern trail system and the map is available on our website. Get out and enjoy these trails. The biggest job we have to do is keep those pits stocked with firewood, if you are interested in helping please reach out so we can ensure that we are aligned and all the appropriate paper work is completed prior to work commencing.

Thickwood Trail: In Progress: We will be grooming Jan 11 and will update everyone when this is complete. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for this update. We do have a couple of crossings in there and share approximately 4 km of trail with a road, The remainder is ours this year. Out of all our trails this trail is the most under utilized trail in our system but it has such great potential. Please keep you eye on our Facebook page as we promote this trail this season.

Draper Trail: CLOSED for the season. This multi-use trail belongs to the RMWB and the Sno-Drifters historically maintain and groom it in the winter months. There was a large mudslide earlier in the year and the city has officially closed Draper for the season. They will assess and remediate the trail next summer. Barricades have been erected by the RMWB at each entrance.

*Please be sure to check out the new wood sheds at both pits.Special thanks to Louie Del-ben, Fabian and Shannon Childs and Justin Monroe from Major Construction for the hard work and donation of the sheds and their time. It is most appreciated!

Please use caution and show respect to everyone working in our trail areas. You will also notice that we have or will be installing recyclable bins at the fire pits. Please be sure to use them for this purpose, secondly let's pack all trash out and respect the people that are coming behind you.

If you see any issues or hazards while out on the trail please let us know!



*Please mark down these dates or follow our event posts on Facebook for updates or changes.

Safe Ride- January 19th, 2019

Our Safe ride coincides with International Safe Snowmobiling Week. It is a family friendly event. Riders meet at the Drifters Garage on Hwy 69. A short presentation by Search & Rescue on sled safety will be put on to educate our members and then the group rides the Anzac Loop and back. Snacks are provided.

*We will have hoodies and toques for sale. As well as day and season passes (a valid pass is required for the guided ride but not for the short sample rides at the garage. We will also have a 50/50 draw!

This year we are offering FREE sample rides thanks to Pioneer Rentals loaning us snowmobiles for new riders to try out! These are not for the main guided ride. Each interested rider will receive instructions on basic operation from our experienced riders for a short drive on a groomed oval track. Children are welcome, but must ride with an adult. We will have a selection of helmets to use but please dress very warmly.

Pioneer Rentals Website

WinterPLAY- February 23rd & 24th, 2019

Every year the Sno-Drifters attend WinterPLAY to support this amazing family friendly event with the RMWB. We bring our trailer and some beautiful machines down to the Snye, put on games and sell hot chocolate and delicious bacon wrapped smokies and hot dogs that our patrons can cook over our warm, inviting fire pit. Come visit us and learn what being a Drifter is all about!

Annual Rally- March 16th, 2019

Our annual rally is the clubs biggest fundraiser and event of the year. We feature both short and long routes depending on your abilities and time constraints. It's always a fun event and a chance to meet like minded people that enjoy the sport. Lunch is served on the trails and a warm dinner afterwards. We have numerous prizes to draw for as well as the chance at the 50/50 prize!

Canada Day Parade- July 1st, 2019

The Sno-Drifters along with our volunteers help the RMWB every year by supplying both riders and off road machines to help marshal the parade. If you are interested in helping out please reach out by phone, email or through our Facebook page.



The Sno-Drifters are always looking for like minded people to join our club. There's something for everyone depending on your interest and abilities. From cutting firewood and clearing trails to helping with events or leading rides. Forget Uncle Sam, WE need you!

Call Terri: 1(780) 792-7603



The Sno-Drifters are part of the provincial club ASA (Alberta Snowmobile Association). Membership sales in our area help support the clubs' efforts to maintain our expansive and award winning trail system. Pass costs are very low compared to other provinces and grant you access to all ASA trails in Alberta. Not a bad deal!

Membership Costs:

Early Bird - Now until Dec 31st - $80.00

Regular Season - Jan 1st to end of season - $90.00

Day Pass - $25.00 (please call Terri to arrange pickup at 1(780) 792-7603


Our memberships are sold at the following locations.

Raven Truck & Motorsports

MXC Automotive Services

NAPA Auto parts

Bumper 2 Bumper - both locations

Pioneer rentals

Anzac Esso

Suncor SERA Social Club

Syncrude Club 63 Social Club



Each newsletter we will feature businesses or individuals that help out the club with events, prizes, sponsorship and a million other things along the way. We always appreciate the input and effort that is given to the club by so many over the years.

This spotlight shines on Major Construction Ltd and friends. Owner Justin Monroe stepped up to help Louie Del-ben, Fabian Childs and Shannon Childs to support the Sno-Drifters by building the club and its members two solid wood sheds for the Thickwood Trail system and installing them on the trail. Please join us in thanking them for their hard work and dedication.

Phone: 1(780) 799-3813


Ad sponsorship and donations in kind are a big reason why the McMurray Sno-Drifters are able to maintain such an expansive trail system in the Wood Buffalo region. If you or your company are interested in becoming a sponsor or want to donate items or services for prizes for our events contact us and we'll be happy to share our information and options with you. Logos have direct links to the businesses for your ease of use.

Pioneer Rentals Website

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