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A heartfelt Thank You.

A message from our President:

I would like to publicly express my thanks for all the hard work that went into putting the events together this season. Our executive assistant worked extremely hard planning the family day, WinterPLAY and the Annual Rally. This was done with the help of a few great volunteers that worked with Terri to allow us to have three successful events.

I would like to say a big thank you to all our sponsors both the new and returning from previous years. Your support helps us to be a successful club year after year.

For the Annual Rally I would like to thank the Bean family, your hard work is always appreciated. The Wells family you’re such a blessing to the club as well. I would like to also show appreciation to Mark Scott and Terry Head for manning checkpoint number 2 on the short run, Ray & Sherry Bartlett for manning the Fetzko pit on the long run, Trevor Antle and Greg Hilsenteger for serving the food and manning the Mufffaloose pit. This year the Drifters pit was taken care of by Raven Truck and Motorsport. They had a beautiful new 850 that they were letting people try out and it got rave reviews.

The other volunteers that helped make this happen, a big thanks to:

Jennifer Brown- registration and other work at the garage and throughout the season. She was at Terri’s side for both the WinterPLAY and the Rally and her help was invaluable.

Dan Brown & Ross Stone- helping out at the events and doing the push to get everyone off the trails. Hope you’re thawed out!

Deanne Perry- registration and check in at the Rally. She was super organized and kept her husband in line lol.

Kerri Mcgee- registration and check in at the Rally. Your past experience showed and you were unflappable.

A special thanks to Duane and Diane Parker for the set up and tear down, your help is appreciated and doesn’t go unnoticed.

We want to send a huge shout out to 7 year old Amelia. She is our youngest volunteer ever and she was a bright shining light at the event. You are always welcome to help out little one!

To close out the day I would like to thank everyone who stayed to help tear down and clean up. The list is too long to try and capture but a Big Thanks to all of you.

Now to all who showed up to take part in the rally from town or out of town, Thanks! Without you the event would not be possible. Please remember to get out and ride. The season isn’t finished yet and the trails are waiting for you.

The winners at the event were:

Rally Entries/Extra hands 50%- Paul (with no last name lol)

50/50 Tickets Draw- Barry Nicholas

Raven gift certificate $250 – Danny Musgrave

+ Skidoo Tunnel Bag

Four Seasons gift certificate $250- Dianne Parker

Raven: Skidoo Tunnel bag –Matthew Philpott

Raven: Skidoo Tunnel bag- Bruce Young

Castle X Rizer Bib pants- Peter Lush

Thanks to Dan Brown again for generously putting the bib pants back in to be redrawn.

The Sno-Drifters depend on volunteers in order to be successful each year. If you would like to join our amazing group please contact us via Facebook, phone or email.

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